Start 2025 moving as Love!
....immersed in five days of devotional practice of remembering your Heart
as the Temple of Divine Love.
When we become Empty Space Love can Breath us.
Breathing our deepest desire to know ourself as a LIVING EXPERIENCE.
When you become empty of spiritual concepts and clever ideas you can embrace this ever-present moment with the erotic awareness that is gushing forth through you.
As you. Because of you. In spite if you. Meditating you. Liberating you. Forever birthed from your heart, passionately longing to just be YOU.
This is the Yoga of Naked Awareness.
It's a love affair with Truth.

"A tantrik master, is not the yogi that accomplishes complicated yoga asānas, but the one that meets every rising moment with the attitude of Fascinating Wonderment." ~ Valentina Leo

Rooted in the ancient wisdom of the Vedas and the healing science of Ayurveda,
this āsanas practice will be the container for all the other practices.
Focused on intrinsic relaxation of the physical body and the conscious mind, this sequence
will meditate you into the Deepest Essence of your Being, where True Self can be revealed.
From this space of infinite stillness authentic expression can be found.
(This practice is accessible to all ages and levels of fitness)
A Traditional Tantric Practice from the Kaula Tradition of Kashmir,
Tandava is the oldest form of yoga known to us.
Often depicted in the traditional iconography of northern India, Kashmir and Tibet,
Tandava is a very slow, mystical dance that leads to the perception of the Cosmic Body
and Attunement to our Infinite Nature. As a traditional practice of Totality,
Tandava can indeed catalyze the experience of Spiritual Awakening.
The Sacred Art of Kashmiri massage - is a Traditional Meditation practice
from the Kaula Tradition of Kashmir, that uses touch work as a tool to understand the SELF
as Empty Space and Absolute Bliss.
This is an expanded progression of the practice of Tandava,
and has the ability to profoundly nourish our nervous system,
to restore our innate sense of belonging and to reset our connection to life at large
and to finally receive our body as an expression of Divine Celebration. Our birth right.
(We will be working in pairs and some levels of nudity will be required.
Your limits and your availability will be highly respected. Your spontaneity is invited.)
This practice is a Spontaneous Harmonious movement of the body
when the body is in an Authentic space of Relaxation as it meets Another.
Then, like in True Lovemaking, the meeting with the other is nothing else than the meeting with our-own-self.
The Sacred Self: an Eternal Still Centre in Movement. Bliss.
the Infinite quietude of the land leads effortlessly toward the infinite silence of the Self.
We will spend mealtimes in ritualistic silence, allowing for the inner quiet to reveal.

“I was made in Italy at the dawn of the Seventies - definitely made for untidy rooms and rumpled beds.
I have always questioned the answers. I have travelled a lot, experienced a lot and tried all that I could!
I have lived in caves, ashrams and apartments.
I engaged in mystic conversations with wandering Gurus and drank enlightening teas with silent Sadhus.
I have sung the endless heart song with giggling Shamans and laughed at cosmic jokes with invisible friends.
I have travelled Africa barefoot and Europe on high heels.
I have made love over cremation grounds and romanced the Cosmos- made love, literally, with the stars and the planets!
I have danced till the early colours of the morning and counted the million stars in the sleepless nights of the darkest hour of self doubt. I have found myself on all four, on the floor of my bedroom, throwing up a lifetime of emotional toxins and realized much later that this was the awakening experience…
I have explored all kind of therapies, modalities, meditations and movement practices, healed traumas, danced the divine ecstasy, the shadow , the inertia, the chaos…
the Cosmic Drama, before the Endless Cosmic Orgasm.
Today I am Dakini – a Skydancer.
I surrender my Divine Humanity to Existence,
to be seduced by my true Form."
Internationally praised teacher of Erotic Wisdom, Valentina Leo has been an explorer of the Tantric Realms for over 20 years, devoted to the teaching and learning of the tantrik current of the Erotic Mysticism of Shaiva tantra.
Uncensored and untamed, she teaches the Yoga of Unbounded Freedom and Mystical Union with the vast Emptiness of pure Space. She is known for her honesty, sense of humour and the lightness she infuses in the transmission of deep teachings. She is a true Dakini of the Heart and a catalyser for spiritual arousal and erotic awakenings. Probably one of the most embodied teacher of the feminine tantrik current alive on the planet today. Working with her will ask everything of you.
Valentina was born in Italy in 1970 and moved to Cape Town in 1997
where she still lives (in between her travels )with her 16yrs old daughter, Luna.
She cherish howling at the Moon, sculpting deranged cats, and hopes one day to make a living out of late sleeping.

Nicky Silawu, organizer, mother, friend, student, naughty house elf.
Nicky is trained as a Traditional Healthcare Practitioner in traditional Gynaecology.

Willem Botha | Simba, a devoted student of truth and mysticism, is a deep listening, shamanic and tantric practitioner, medicine man and dancer. He works closely with the nervous system, plant teachers, and has initiated through numerous gateways inside with Lila'sangoma, Core Shamanism and Kashmiri Shaivism.

8 - 13 January 2025
We start at 2pm on 8 January,
We depart on 13 January after breakfast.
Hearth & Soul, Eco Farm, Stanford, South Africa
R19 900 per person sharing (SA residents / students)
Add R1250 for single room.
*Limited single rooms available.
€1300 per person sharing (International students)
Add €80 for single room.
*Limited single rooms available.
Includes 5 nights and 4 days of tuition, accommodation and catering.
A 50% non refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
For any questions please contact Nicky at hello@gardenwisdom.co.za
A certain level of self awareness and the ability to hold yourself in your own processes is required.
Some familiarity with yoga, meditation and self development work is useful.
A deep willingness to know yourself and explore your own depth is essential.
A solid commitment to your awakening is mandatory.
THIS PLEASE NOTE: This retreat is NOT for curious beginners.